Tim recently wrote una cuenta for our school website of the stellar week we had at Pico Duarte. I figured, who better to share thoughts with you on the trip than the expedition leader himself? So, here ya go folks-
The Caribbean’s tallest peak was once again conquered by ten eager Doulos 8th graders. Along with four teachers, these trekkers proved that they have what it takes to endure five grueling days in the wilderness. While they weren’t very excited about the 3:30 wake-up call on summit day, they wouldn’t have traded watching the sunrise from over 10,000 ft. After more than 25 miles of hiking, these trail warriors returned with much more than sore feet and blisters to tell the story.
This team was challenged physically, mentally, and spiritually, yet they met each day of the expedition with a new found respect for themselves and each other. There were times when their mud soaked feet and emotionally shot minds didn’t want to continue, but at the end of each rainy afternoon they were glad to be one step closer to the top and one step closer to their classmates.
The highlight for me wasn’t the time away from school or the view from the top but rather the heart change that we saw in each one of the students as each came to the realization that he is capable of greatness. Our nights were spent unfolding truths about the Lord and these conversations served as high octane fuel for the next day’s hike. So even though the trail was rough and the weather didn’t cooperate, the week was an incredible success. This class has set a very high precedent for next year’s 8th graders.
All in,
Tim Scarborough
Expedition Leader