
Sometimes, it has to be BROS before...

Last weekend, Tim shocked me with a flight to the states for my 25th b-day.  As some of y'all may remember, Tim flew to Bolivia and proposed during recess on May 22nd, 3 years ago, and about gave me a heart attack.  My husband seems to be in the business of surprising, and, I must say, he pulls it off exceptionally well.  As I looked at the calendar a few months back, it just so happened that my birthday fell on the weekend of my little (BIG) brother's high school graduation.  I mentioned it briefly then..."how awesome would that be if I could surprise Blake that weekend?  That would be the best birthday present..." and he tucked that away.  Needless to say, it was far better than a stylish pair of shoes or spiffy new outfit.

What was so fun about the brief 5 days I spent in Tuscaloosa was just getting to be a sister again.  I know, I know, you never really give up being a sibling, but for the past 8 years (DANG) of being out of the house, I have lived an increasingly more separate life from Cooper and Blake.  When I think back to my years in the Brenton household, the words "only child" never cross my mind.  But in reality, Blake has lived like an only child for much of his time growing up.

Blaring rap music with the windows down, scouring the pantry for the best junk food, watching lame movies and old Office episodes, tooling around in TJ Maxx, ganging up on our parents...yep, I felt like I was a kid again.  I got to step back into his world.  Instead of being Whitney who perpetually lives in another country I was just the sister down the hall.