
un chin chin

Tim spent 5 days in February distributing water filters in Port-au-Prince. He joined up with several ministries, Global Effect and Filter Pure. Our school plans to take a group of high school students later this semester to help with these and other relief efforts.
Meanwhile, I was back home searching for vehicles. Ironically, after we had traversed the entire island, I found "the one" within walking distance of our house. After talking to a trusted mechanic and getting 2 emphatic thumbs up, Tim and I purchased our first set of wheels since living overseas. It's a well-cared for '97 Montero, complete with 6-CD changer and cassette player:) We love it, and are truly grateful to all those who gave toward this need. And because of the 3 filas, or three rows of seats, we've already been able to cram in quite a load of kids for YL Club.
Our now 3 1/2 month cachorro weighs in at about 25 pounds. Despite a few parasite scares and vet visits, he continues to prove a stellar addition to our family. He faithfully greets our friends, scares off sketchy characters, and chews on things he shouldn't. He's our pal.

And while I am often annoyed by the army-like infiltration of hermigas through every crevice of our house, I can't help but be a bit impressed by their strength and teamwork. Sometimes when I'm sick of these pesky suckers I squish them without a second thought. Other times I just watch, mesmerized. Check out this snapshot, where Tim caught a pack of 11 ants hauling a piece of a tortilla chip across our kitchen floor. This time we let them keep it.