
Real, content, overjoyed-

So I asked my T-Crew girls to describe their summers thus far in just three words. I decided I should answer the question as well and my response was the above title-
real, because I have had some of the most genuine, vulnerable, and relational time ever since I've been here. Content, because I am assured everyday of my purpose in being here, and overjoyed because I feel like the phrase "my cup runs over" has been running through my head throughout each day.

Let me just say that I am LOVING being here. While being in Colorado is truly amazing, the weather has been beautiful and the scenery is breathtaking, the people here make it beyond worthwhile.

Working with the T-Crew, or kitchen staff girls has been unreal. Who would have thought that hours of behind the scenes work cleaning dishes and prepping for meals could be this amazing? What has made my time here has been the process of being humbled and reminded of my selfishness. In talking to one of my close friends who is working as a counselor here this summer, she shared that the other day she was struggling with not being patient, compassionate, or gracious towards her kids. So pretty much, I said, your realizing that everything Christ is we are simply not naturally? Yep, that's just it. I am seeing that daily-

While it was challenging at first to not be with the kids, getting to share in my girls' struggles and literally experience their joys with them has made the transition not just easier but revealed that the Lord's desire for my role this summer was beyond what good I could mentally conjure up on my own.

One phrase I want to share with you that someone shared with me just the other day is this-- "I want to ask you to speak truth into my life-"
I love this...to ask each other to breathe not flattering words but truth that refines into our lives as we work alongside one another.

As I'm cleaining I realize how great the extent of upkeep that can always and needs to be done. When left to ourselves, we accumulate filth. In the kitchen, crumbs show up, dust piles everywhere, and as I've seen in many conversations, if we don't constantly filter and guard our hearts, junk seeps in and our words and actions quickly reveal it...

So much to say and not enough time...I have to head back up the mountain now to jump back into camp world and join the kids with the beach bash.

I will write more later, but know that I truly miss you friends and pray for you many mornings as I look out and am reminded of God's sovereignty in one of the most gorgeous places on earth-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Andrew here, I just got back from Budapest, Hungary. I wrote you a postcard while I was over there, and sent it from some random post office in Romania. I hope that it doesn't take the entire summer to get to you, because that would be a shame. Just know that it is on the way. From your blog I can tell the Lord has really been "romancing your heart," while in Colorado. I borrowed that little phrase from a friend that says it that way when you get the "cup filling over" feeling. Colorado is a beautiful part of this country, and I hope that you take it all in. Dave and I, while in Romania staying with a family were talking about how to God, people are the most important thing, and therefore to us, they should be the most important thing. In my opinion you have always been one of those people who truly understands this, and it shows. In fact Whitney, it would be hard for you to try and hide the love you have for people. Just be encouraged that we are able to love others, because while we were yet still sinners Christ died for us. I love you and just wanted to drop you a note that said I was thinking about you. I hope the rest of your summer in Colorado is as blessed as it sounds like it has been. Keep writing on this blog, because I'm really enjoying reading it. You write like a little Francine Rivers, or atleast how I imagine her to write...I've never actually read any of her books. Have you ever listened to Patty Griffin? She is so raw, and has been rocking my world, try and listen to her when you get a chance, the song "Nobody's Crying" will melt your heart, hopefully.